Coventry University invites you to get in touch to do your MSCA post-doc fellowship application with Coventry University as host.
Send your CV and/or your online researcher profile, together with a paragraph abstract of your proposed project with research keywords, to
Nutrifood Research Center Fellowship adalah program yang ditujukan bagi mahasiswa aktif S1 dan S2 di Indonesia yang tertarik dalam bidang nutrisi dan kesehatan. Program ini menawarkan pelatihan, bimbingan, dan pendanaan penelitian hingga Rp50.000.000 per proposal terpilih. Peserta akan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk dibimbing langsung oleh para ahli hingga tahap publikasi.
1. Mendapatkan dana penelitian maksimum Rp 50juta per proposal
2. Bimbingan langsung (1-on-1 mentoring) oleh juri NRC Fellowship 2025
A Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship will change and enrich your life. Our scholars come to New Zealand for a world-class education, and they leave with great memories, skills and career prospects.
The entire scholarship experience, from developing your mind and your career, to enjoying Kiwi lifestyles and cultures, has the potential to shape your life in the most impactful ways. We are sure that securing a Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship and studying abroad in New Zealand will be one of the best things you ever do.
Australia Awards Scholarships are prestigious international awards offered by the Australian Government to the next generation of global leaders to obtain a Masters or PhD from an Australian tertiary institution. The Scholarships have been an important component of the Australian Government’s aid program in Indonesia since 1953. Through study, research and networking, scholarship recipients develop the skills and knowledge to drive change and help build enduring people-to-people links with Australia.
Extended deadline 24 Januari 2025