

25th Anniversary of Mae Fah Luang University Doctoral Scholarships


  1. The scholarship applicants must be eligible candidates of the university’s doctoral program plan 1.1 or 2.1 in academic year 2024 and must have a GPAX from their master’s degree of at least 3.50, or equivalent. And, must have a publication in a journal as the follow;
    1.1 For the fields of Science and Technology, and Health Science: must be published in a international journal that appears in SCOPUS in Q1 or Q2.
    1.2 For the fields of Humanities and Social Science: must be published in a international journal that appears in SCOPUS.
  2. The scholarship applicants must be eligible candidates for the university’s direct doctoral program from a bachelor’s degree program plan 1.2 or 2.2 in academic year 2024 and must have a GPAX from their Bachelor’s degree of at least 3.25 on a 4.00 scale or equivalent as the follow;
    2.1  For the cumulative GPA is below 3.25 but not less than 3.00, the candidate must have at least one published or an award-winning work at the national or international level.
    2.2  For students in Plan 1.2 or 2.2 the university will support the tuition fees for scholarship recipients for a period of 3 academic years.
  3. The scholarship applicants must have a topic for their dissertation.
  4. The main advisor of the scholarship applicants must meet the university’s regulations for graduate education. And must have the number of publications as stated in the university’s regulations as the follow;
    4.1  For the fields of Science and Technology, and Health Science: has at least 2 publications in the past five years in journal that appears in  SCOPUS in Q1 or Q2 and the publications must not be part of the advisor’s degree fulfillment.
    4.2  For the fields of Humanities and Social Science: has at least 2 publications in the past five years in journal that appears in SCOPUS and the publications must not be part of the advisor’s degree fulfillment.
  5. The scholarship applicants must have Co-advisor on duty in a foreign country. (Qualifications of the Co-advisor according to Mae Fah Luang University Regulation)

Scholarship Amount

  • Doctoral degree 25 scholarships Plan 1 (1.1 or 2.1) or Plan 2 (1.2 or 2.2)
    (For students admitted in the academic year 2024, the university will only support the tuition fees for scholarship recipients for a period of three academic years, with a rate according to the enrolled program.)

The main advisor of the scholarship applicants must meet the following conditions:

  1. The main advisor of the scholarship applicants must meet the university’s regulations for graduate education. And must have the number of publications as stated in the university’s regulations as the follow;
    1.1  For the fields of Science and Technology, and Health Science: has at least 2 publications in the past five years in journal that appears in SCOPUS in Q1 or Q2 and the publications must not be part of the advisor’s degree fulfillment.
    1.2  For the fields of Humanities and Social Science: has at least 2 publications in the past five years in journal that appears in SCOPUS and the publications must not be part of the advisor’s degree fulfillment.
  2. The total number of advisees under the advisor’s supervision including the applicants must not exceed the criteria in the university’s regulations for graduate education.
  3. The advisor has never supervised any scholarship applicants who violated criteria.

Application Schedule

  • Application : now – July 24, 2024
  • Consideration : August 2024
  • Announcement : August 2024

The Scholarship’s Conditions

  1. The scholarship recipients must sign an agreement contract with the university as provided by the university.
  2. The scholarship recipients must maintain regular student status throughout the period of the scholarship.
  3. The scholarship recipients must submit grade reports and progress reports on their thesis/dissertation to the university by the end of every semester during the scholarship period and both documents must be approved by the main advisor.
  4. The main advisor and co-advisor on duty in a foreign country must supervise the scholarship recipients until the completion of the scholarship recipient’s
  5. The scholarship recipients’ dissertation must be published in international journals as the follow;
    5.1  For the fields of Science and Technology, and Health Science: must be published in a international journal that appears in SCOPUS in Q1 or Q2 at least 2 publication.
    5.2  For the fields of Humanities and Social Science: must be published in a international journal that appears in SCOPUS at least 2 publication.
    The publications must have the scholarship recipients as the first author, the main advisor as the corresponding author and Mae Fah Luang University as the affiliation.
  6. The scholarship recipients must mention the university’s scholarship in the thesis/dissertation’s acknowledgement “thank you postgraduate scholarship for tuition fees from Mae Fah Luang University”

Terminate the Scholarship

The university will terminate the scholarship should any of the following occur:

  1. The scholarship recipient is retired from their student status.
  2. The scholarship recipient receives a GPAX lower than 3.25 for two consecutive semesters or receives a U in the subject of thesis/dissertation in any semester.
  3. The scholarship recipient fails to follow criteria number 8 of this announcement.
  4. The scholarship recipient takes leave or has an educational break without a reasonable explanation.
  5. The scholarship recipient cheats on an examination or commits plagiarism.
  6. The university will terminate the scholarship in any other case considered Appropriate by The University.For students admitted in the academic year 2024, the university will only support the tuition fees for scholarship recipients for a period of three academic years, with a rate according to the enrolled program.

*The doctoral scholarship for tuition fees according to the applied program from the semester that the scholarship is approved to the last semester of the program.
**Office of the postgraduate studies reserves the right to close applications before the deadline without prior notice. read more

Student Conference on Pharmacy Research PNTU – Registration for Participation Grants


🙋🏻: What are the distinguishing features of SCPharmRes 2024 compared to previous seasons?
💁🏻‍♀️: The Organizing Committee will provide a number of participation grants for International students or Vietnamese students from universities outside Ho Chi Minh City…
🌸 Grant information: Those of you who participate in the Student Conference on Pharmacy Research (SCPharmRes) as a presenter, will be supplied with the hotel (prepared by the Organizing Committee), food and transport expenses for the 2 days of the conference (The Organizing Committee will send cash directly at the conference). Not including the flight ticket fee.
❗ Number of grants:
🇻🇳 Vietnamese students: 10 grants;
🌎 International students: 05 grants.
In case you:
🔬 Currently enrolled in universities, colleges, and institutes outside Ho Chi Minh City or international students.
🔬 Have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale or 6.5 or higher on a 10.0 scale at the time of application.
🔬 Participate in volunteer activities, extracurricular activities, or activities organized by the Youth Union/Student Union.
🔬 Have articles published in scientific journals nationally and internationally (excluding studies registered on SCPharmRes).
📍 Register at:
📍 Deadline for submission: till 5.00 pm on March 15, 2024 (Friday)
Student Conference on Pharmacy Research Organizing Committee
📩 Email:
☎️ Hotline: +84(0)388 59 79 11 (Line/Zalo)
🌐 Fanpage: read more

The ANSO Scholarship for Young Talents 2024 Call for Applications

The Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) is a non-profit, non-governmental international organization founded in 2018. Founding members include 37 scientific institutions, universities, and international organizations worldwide. ANSO aims to improve regional and global capacity in science and technology, human livelihoods and wellbeing, and to promote broader S&T cooperation and communication.

The ANSO Scholarship for Young Talents (hereinafter referred to as the ANSO Scholarship) was formally launched in 2019 with the goal of training and cultivating young scientists from all over the world. The ANSO Scholarship supports 200 Master’s students and 300 PhD students every year to pursue postgraduate education at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) or institutes of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) around China. read more

Beasiswa Pascasarjana King Saud University 2024

Telah dibuka pendaftaran beasiswa pascasarjana (Diplom ‘Ali, S2, dan S3) King Saud University, Riyadh, Arab Saudi tahun 2024M/1446H.

Masa Pendaftaran
03 Desember 2023 – 28 Januari 2024

Ketentuan Umum Pendaftar :

  • Maksimal berusia 30 tahun untuk program diplom ‘ali dan magister, dan 35 tahun untuk program doktoral.
  • Mengunggah berkas-berkas yang dipersyaratkan, seperti:
    – Paspor
    – Ijazah S1/S2 diterjemah ke bahasa Inggris/Arab
    – Transkip nilai S1/S2 diterjemah ke bahasa Inggris/Arab
    – 2 surat rekomendasi dari dosen berbahasa Inggris/Arab
    – Sertifikat bahasa Inggris (untuk jurusan dengan pengantar bahasa Inggris)
    – Dll
  • read more

    The Scholarship Program of The DAAD University Summer Courses 2024

    We are delighted to inform you that the scholarship program of the DAAD University Summer Courses 2024 is now offered!

    Please find attached the cover letter and country-specific information (bilingual) about the University Summer Course program, which you are kindly encouraged to circulate to your prospective students.

    This program aims to deepen the knowledge of the German language and cultural studies. Course offers can be found here:

    Applications are mainly open to enrolled bachelor and master students of all disciplines who are at least 18 years old. In general, they must prove that they have a minimum German language level of B1. Furthermore, detailed information is available at the following link: read more